What's Going On In the Vegan Community?
In today's edition of, What's Going On In the Vegan Community, we will talk about some recent happenings going on in the Twittersphere...
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What's Going On In the Vegan Community?
I was bullied for years in grade school...
What the Next 50 Years Could Look Like if the Entire US Population Ditched Meat in Favor of Plant-based Just Once a Week
If you are single and do OMAD intermittent fasting, you can go on one date per night and never pay for food again...
What are the Benefits of a Vegan Diet?
Last night I had a dream that I was back in the 80s...
Science Reports that Stanley Cups are Disgusting! Yes, I fn Knew it!
I like vintage items...
That Time Billy Joel Put Me In A Depression *trigger warning: it's a bummer*
Every Time I Call Myself The Dirty Vegan